In The Stillness Of The Night, We Sleep, We Heal, We Conquer!

Imagine A Night Where You Not Only Dream Sweet Dreams . . .You Awaken To A New, Refreshed, Youthful Version Of Yourself!  That's The Joy Of An Anti-Aging, From-The-Inside-Out, SlumberWear-Sleep-Time Garment.

How Would You Like to Wake Up Every Morning Healthy, Happy, and Feeling Beautiful?

It's a Well Documented Fact that Aging Gracefully Starts with a Good Nights Sleep!

At the Anti-Aging SlumberWear Sleep-Shop, our goal is to give you all the Tools you Need to Awaken Your Natural, Self-Healing Body Re-Chargers.

FYI: We do this by consolidating the Amazing Healing Powers of Sleep, with "Wisdom Words" of Personal Growth and Encouragement written on each page and on the back of each Anti-Aging SlumberWear Garment.



Here Are Some Serious Facts You Should Know About Sleep Because . . .

Sleep is the Brain's Miracle Re-set Button!

Every Month We Will Be Featuring a New Bundle or Product with 15% Off or a Discount Shipping Coupon.

Your June/July Products of the Month are . . . not 1 but 2 Introductory Bundles

1. The Elegant Blue Ball-Gown Bundle, or

2. The Happy is a Habit Bundle

Click the buttons below for Bundle info and pricing.

Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

Elegant Blue Ball-Gown Bundle

FYI: The Color Blue is often associated with calmness, relaxation, and tranquility. It's also believed to promote mental and emotional healing, reduce stress, and lower blood pressure.

So . . .While wearing your "Blue" Slumber-Wear Ball Gown, you will be focusing on your Inner Beauty by acknowledging and appreciating your inner qualities and strengths, and by recognizing that true beauty goes beyond external appearances.

"Experience the Joy of self-love as you slumber in a Blue Ball Gown, dancing through dreams of Anti-Aging."

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Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

Happy Is a Habit Bundle

When happiness is ingrained as a habit, you will be better equipped to bounce back from setbacks, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth rather than allowing negative moods to linger.

FYI: Happiness Positively influences the Cardiovascular System, Lowering the Risk of Heart Issues that can Accelerate the Aging Process!!!!

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Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

Women 's Intuition Bundle

The Woman's Intuitive Nature  complements the Man's Creative Spirit by offering a unique perspective that intuitively sees beyond the "obvious".

Her intuition acts as a guiding force, tapping into emotions, subtle cues, and deeper insights that may elude the logical thinking of a Man. 

"Through intuitive wisdom, women
contribute to the creation of a world that values compassion and empathy."

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Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

The Red Team Bundle

Whether your Team is Business or Pleasure, if you want to win the game, a Well-Rested-Brain enhances cognitive function, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills, giving you a competitive edge in Any Game.

FYI: Reaction Time: Adequate rest improves reaction time, crucial for making split-Second decisions and responding swiftly to in-game events. This Team is a Winner!

Join the Red Team Bundle

Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

Eyes Closed Healing in Progress Bundle

Closing Your Eyes To Sleep is like stepping into the unknown with open arms, trusting that whatever dreams may come will carry you through the night on a journey of imagination and rest.

When You Close Your Eyes the body also undergoes several reparative processes including, healing wounds, restoring tissues, and rejuvenating organs.

Your body's ability to heal itself can often seem quite miraculous.

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Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

Black Hi-Flying Slumber Dress Bundle

Just as a Monarch Butterfly feels secure within its cocoon, sleep provides a sense of security and stability. It's a time when your body and mind feel safe to let go and enter a state of Relaxation, Repair, and Rejuvination.

FYI: Wearing Black to Bed. The psychological association of black with tranquility helps reduce stress levels. Lower stress levels are beneficial for overall health and can slow down the aging process by reducing the impact of stress hormones in the body.

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Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

Elegant White Ball-Gown Bundle

"Life's True Purpose Is to Know Thyself!"

"Knowing Self": In many of the Ancient Manuscripts, those two words were often associated with sacred, teachings and sending people on life-long journeys of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Ultimately, Knowing Oneself will lead to greater happiness and fulfillment as people learn to live authentically and in alignment with their "True Self".

Wearing this Elegant White Ball-Gown is a reminder to always Love Yourself "Flaws and All!". (Check the back of you're gown, then click below and Let the Journey Begin!

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Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

We Shine Brighter Together! Bundle

Loving acts of Compassion and Kindness, even in the Darkest, Darkest of Times, will shine as a beacon of light, reminding us of all the Goodness that still exists in this world.

Set Intentions: Before drifting off to sleep. . . set positive intentions for the next day. Visualize yourself tackling challenges with confidence while keeping a positive outlook.

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Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

God's GPS Blue Bundle

When the Storms of Life are threatening to veer you off course, you can always rely on God's Positioning System (GPS) to recalibrate your path. It's the unwavering signal that will always guide you back to the safety of home. . . a place where love awaits.

Like a Beacon in the Night, God's GPS is Your Celestial Guide, Providing Direction When You Feel Lost.

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Happy Habit Summer Sleeper Bundle

Happiness is an Anti-Aging "Habit" that has long been linked to a strong immune system. This "Habit" makes Happy people Less susceptible to infections and chronic diseases that can shorten their life span.

Happiness is also associated with good sleeping patterns, which are crucial for achieving good health and longevity.

If you want to know more, Click the button.

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Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

God's GPS Blk Hoodie-Gown Bundle

In the vastness of uncertainty, God's Positioning System (GPS) acts as your constant companion. Embrace the assurance that divine coordinates are at work, aligning your steps with Purpose and Meaning. . . Ensuring you Reach Your Destination Unscathed!!

"I Am Never Lost!"

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Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

Blue Star Miracle Bundle

"Sleeping is the Miracle Key the Unlocks Your Healing Powers Within! '

This White SlumberWear Sleeper Gown, symbolizes Purity, Innocence and Goodness, while the Blue Stars symbolize Guidance, Enlightenment, and a Peaceful State of Mind!!

Putting these 2 together can enhance a Night of Serenity and Connection to your Self-Healing Energies . . . ensuring a productive nights sleep!

( . . . and How about those Socks?)

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Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

Anti-Aging Miracles Bundle

Just as a Monarch finds comfort and safety within its cocoon, a good night's sleep provides comfort and solace for your body and mind. It's a time to relax and let go of the stresses of the day.

This Comfy Gray SlumberWear Bundle is perfect for those chilly nights! Click for pricing and info.

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Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

Darkest Night Black Slumber-Gown Bundle

The Power of Unity: The Darkest, Darkest of Times can bring people together, fostering a sense of community and shared strength, creating a collective light that guides everyone through life's Darkest Times.

"In the Darkest Hour, the Light Within Shines Brightest"

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Self Anti-Aging SlumberWear

Gift of Life PJ Set

This SlumberWear Sleep-set is not a 4 product it is a collection and comes as a single product SlumberWear Sleep-set. There are 3 colors to choose from and this set is the perfect gift to give to yourself and someone you love.

FYI: Be sure to Read the Back!!!

Click the button for order and product information.
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Anti-Aging SlumberWear

"Choosing Your Words Wisely!"

All those bla, bla. words that "randomly spew" out of our mouths when we are not paying attention
can negatively affect our relationships with others. Thoughtful chosen words will build trust and understanding, while careless words cause misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and lasting damage. Being mindful of our words will help us maintain healthy and positive relationships. Say "Amen!"

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